Everyone has a brand identity of one sort or another. Being the name or marque that differentiates you from your competitors. Creating a brand identity by which a company or service is known. Multi-national Corporate Companies spend millions developing new brand names or brand identity. BP’s flower identity would have cost a considerable amount in design and implementation fees. Occasionally it backfires. Coca-Cola’s decision to axe its regular Coke flavour in the early 90’s. Resulted in a major loss of brand share until its re-instatement at a further cost. The marketplace is growing and many brands are favouring multi lingual harmonisation. Cif replacing Jif in the UK to bring it in line with the rest of Europe is an example of this.

My own experience has been gained through work on global branding projects. Corporate identity programmes, and packaging projects both branded and own-label.

Brand Identity Areas of consultancy:

Identity Design
• Positioning  & effectiveness
• Brand development and harmonisation
• Implementation guidelines
• Branded packaging design
• Own label packaging design